coffee shop marketing

Best Coffee Shop Marketing Strategies.

Coffee shops may serve various kinds of beverages, snacks, desserts, and light meals. They are highly social environments that require a level of sophistication and design to attract daily patrons and various customers. The perfect marketing require less investment and an increase in sales. Let’s have a look at some of the best coffee shop marketing strategies.


Customers prefer getting discounts, a loyalty programs with various incentives attract a lot more customers than any other marketing strategy. Since almost everyone around us has a smartphone these days, a dedicated mobile application that has an online rewards program is preferable.

special deal

The advertising of a coffee shop also depends on word-of-mouth marketing. So, you can provide discounts and referral programs to your customers as people tend to influence others based on their good experience at your coffee shop.

The application will ensure that the customers are retained and keep coming back to the coffee shop.

There are various companies such as eLoyaltyApp that provide a loyalty mobile app for your customers. They can easily sign up and enroll in loyalty programs. It eliminates the need for physical coupons and membership cards and all the required information is stored securely in the application.


woohoo free wifi

Since it is the 21st century and the internet is considered as a necessity, providing a free Wi-Fi facility for your customers can attract a decent amount of people.

The coffee shops need to be as customer-friendly as possible and providing Wi-Fi services does exactly that.

You can install electric outlets near the tables so that people can charge their phones and laptops while sipping on the perfect cup of coffee.

Host Events


You can host various events such as comedy shows, quizzes, and various live performances to attract the crowd. Along with the event, the venue that is your coffee shop will become popular and help boost your sales in the right direction.

Social Media Marketing

social phone

Various Instagram posts and media articles portray coffee shops as colorful, lively, and filled with various people.

Since everyone of us have smartphones and an active social media presence, having a social media marketing strategy can attract more customers. A simple Instagram page with various pictures and highlights of your coffee shop can make your business a huge success.

You can also pay for marketing on such platforms so that the users will definitely see your advertisements.

Shop Launch

coffee shop

At the launch of your coffee shop, you need to devise certain strategies to attract a recurring crowd to your shop. This can be done by providing some discounts on the first day or first week of the opening.


Social media alone is not enough to reach the entire crowd that you may be aiming for. Therefore, you may need to incorporate various marketing and advertising strategies such as advertise in local newspapers as well as on the radio stations or television channels to attract more people.

You can advertise new launches, events, and various discounts via these advertisements. A sound advertising strategy can boost your coffee shop business beyond imagination.